Friday, July 19, 2013


Hello reader, 

Ponderings may or may not be grammatically correct but you see, it's just a web address to a  mostly readerless blog. This particular venture came about with the onset of an itch to blog and the thing about itches. They go away. 

I suppose the reason for the existence of this blog (and many other before this) is not to entertain you with my pretentious ways but rather to create a companion. A companion to my thoughts that roam freely, crowding the airspace only for a moment and disappears after. I realize, my thoughts aren't all diamonds or gold or any other stones of equivalent preciousness however, these silly ramblings and anecdotes are like paper trails for when I lose myself. Clues that I purposely leave behind so one day I can read them and reflect on how much I have matured (or not) and hopefully see a different picture through this hypothetical looking glass.

Dear reader, I give you the responsibility to kick me in the groin if I stop posting non-sense and I promise I won't press charges. 

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